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Calgary Rock & Alpine Garden Society
North American Rock Garden Society
Vancouver Island Rock and Alpine Garden Society (VIRAGS) - (New website address)
Alpine Plant Research Sources
E-Flora BC - The Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia
North American Orchid Conservation Center and Go Orchids
Where to Purchase Rock and Alpine Garden Supplies
Borden Mercantile Co. Ltd., 3960 Borden St., Victoria, BC 250-479-2084 – Tufa Rock
Wrightman's Alpines an alpine gardeners paradise of plants
Fraser's Thimble Farms Many unusual and rare plants, located on Saltspring Island
Alpine, Wildflower & Rock Gardening Information
General Gardening Resources, Sites & Garden Clubs
​British Columbia Council of Garden Clubs
Gardening BC
National Gardening Assoc. Lots of information and local planting guides
Cowichan Valley Garden Club
Mill Bay Garden Club
Nanoose Garden Club
Qualicum Beach Garden Club
Nanaimo Garden Club
Ladysmith Saltair Garden Club
Comox Valley Horticultural Society
VIMGA- Vancouver Island Master Gardeners Association
UBC Botanical Gardens- Garden Forum
I Can Garden
NPSBC - Native Plant Society of British Columbia
ISC- BC Invasive Species Council
Outrageous Edibles & Bedibles Plants free of pesticides and neonicotinoids

penstemon glaber var alpinus

draba spaeroides

Alpine and Rock Garden Clubs & Societies

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